Saturday, December 19, 2015

New Podcasts and More

Hi all - Hope you're enjoying your day. Seems Winter is making its way in and the holidays are almost upon us. First, we want all of you who follow us here, on Twitter with either @DalmatProd or @CAUSE_ORIGIN, how much we appreciate your follows and your support. As we've said before, TV is a very, very tough business! However, your faith and support buoy us up and helps us to continue to work as hard as we can to bring this TV show, all about you, to the viewing public. And for that, we are deeply grateful to every one of you.

On to the new Podcast - We are hoping to launch the first podcast after the first of the year. Our goal is to present you with a great mix of important information, some excellent education and a little bit of fun, all thrown together (much like in the firehouse!)

Our podcasts will be prerecorded and archived. That way, you'll be able to listen to it at your leisure. As you may realize, there are hundreds of topics we can discuss.  We are planning to produce two shows per month. However, since the purpose of this show is for YOU, we want to give you the opportunity to let us know what topics you would like to hear discussed.

While we do have our own experience in fire/rescue, I've been out of active-duty for quite a while. So my sole role on this show is to be your host. And with that in mind, we have already lined up three excellent members to be our first guests. And we're looking for plenty more.

Along that line, here is a list of some of the topics that we hope to address on the show (in no special order):
  1. Firefighter Health Initiative 2015 - 2016
  2. Job Stress and its tolls on our lives
  3. Job attraction and retention
  4. Educating the public we protect and the public officials we deal with 
  5. Healthy Eating and Firehouse Recipes!
  6. Command & Control
  7. The purpose and need for the PIO
  8. Fireground tactics: Size-up, Analysis, Plan & Execute or Surround & Drown
  9. The importance of proper record-keeping
  10. The benefits of a well-trained fire department
  11. Employing and promoting personnel
  12. Budget develop and management
  13. The role of discipline in strengthening personnel
  14. Identifying and addressing fire department staffing issues
  15. Automatic aid and mutual-aid versus adding more personnel
  16. Capital equipment planning: identifying needs and resolving them
  17. Why do some firefighters fail to wear (or properly wear) their PPE?
  18. Preparing to compete for a chief's position
And that's just for starters! Because this is your show, we would like to hear from you about topics that you would like to hear addressed. Additionally, if you're comfortable being a teacher, presenter, etc., we're officially inviting you to contact us and let us know that you'd like to be a guess. Thanks to today's wonderful electronics and the Internet, you won't have to travel to South Florida to be on the show. We'll use cellphone, Skype and/or Face Time to connect with you. So, if you're interest, please leave a comment here, send us a Twitter Private Message to either @DalmatProd or @CAUSE_ORIGIN, or send us an email to If you'd like to be a guest, please include a brief bio and the topic you'd like to present.

Finally, unless there's big news from L.A. this week, we will probably save our next post until after next weekend. With that in mind, from Rich, Tom, Jesse and me (Steve) we extend our best wishes to all of you and yours for very Happy, Healthy, Peaceful and Safe Christmas and Kwanza holidays. Let's use this season to take one more step, reach out a little further, and touch someone's life who needs us, but is afraid or embarrassed to ask for it. Just like laying a tile floor, we build it one piece at a time. It can be a slow, tiring job. But when it's finished, it's beautiful. Let's do the same thing in our lives. 

May the Good Lord bless and protect each and every one of you and yours.

Steve Greene, President
Dalmatian Productions, Inc.
Cause and Origin Productions, LLC

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