Saturday, November 28, 2015

Post-Thanksgiving Update

First - We hope that all of you enjoyed a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving holiday with whomever you were with for the day. We know that our families did. However, the joy and happiness of the holiday weekend were marred by the tragic shooting in Colorado Springs yesterday, with the deaths of UCCS Police Officer Garrett Swasey and two additional citizens, as well as the wounding of several other officers and civilians. We pray for those lost and hope for swift and full recoveries

Whether it's here in the U.S. or far abroad, we cannot let ourselves become immune to violence such as this. If we do, we will lose our sense of humanity and will devolve into a lawless and chaotic void, where hope is only a chance and the deaths of all of these innocent people will be in vain. And we cannot let that happen.

On a happier note, our Los Angeles-based partner sent us some excellent news on Wednesday evening, even apologizing to us for not saving until what we call, "Good News Thursdays." It seems that a producer friend of his with whom he had worked on a major Fox program was in touch to refer him to another producer who asked for our partner by name, for a new project.

As it turns out, this producer who asked for him, is a partner in a new "venture" production company. "Venture" production? Most of us have heard of "venture capital," right? Well, one of the aims of this new production company is to open the doors to new writers and producers, those with little and/or no experience, to see what they (sic. "we") can offer. They feel that many good writers with excellent film and program ideas are shut-out of the process because they don't have any connections in the business. In plain English, that's "us!" Luckily, that had a quick chat and he has a meeting set up with her in a week or so.  

On top of that, last week I spoke with a long-time friend who is a major music composer in L.A. for film and television. We've known each other for over thirty years. I reached out to him to see if he might be interested in helping us with the project. After catching up since our last chat over a year ago, he jumped in with both feet, as they say. However, beyond helping us out with the music for the show, he also has two very involved production-industry friends and asked our permission to allow him to present the show info to them! Now that's what you call a friend!

JUST HOLD YOU'RE HORSES! Those of you who read this blog on a regular or semi-regular basis, may know that this time of the year is the worst time to talk with people in the entertainment industry/ Basically, most of them close down from the beginning of November through the beginning of January. But listen, we've waited this long...another couple of months won't kill us.

Finally, back on the positive side, it looks like we have finally found a good configuration to record our podcast in our home studio. I've found and squashed most of the nasty little electronic "bugs" that appear when you connect different computers to mixers, mics and headphones. We'll do a little more experimenting this week to tweak all of our connections. So, keep an eye out on our Twitter accounts, @DalmatProd and @Cause_Origin for the announcement of our first podcast. And, we have two great guests who have agreed to "appear."

Remember, this good news from L.A. doesn't guaranty anything. Thus, we still have to work and prepare for shooting the pilot ourselves. And for that, we need your help. If you haven't already and you want to demonstrate that you like the idea of our new TV show, "CAUSE & ORIGIN," please send us a Facebook Message or Twitter Direct Message or an email to, wit the word, "YES!" If you already have, please pass the word on to all your followers!!! We need those numbers!

Stay Safe and Remember  - EVERY ONE GOES HOME!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Welcome and Thank You!

Just a quick note to all the new followers from Twitter who are visiting our blog for the first time. First, thank you very much for taking the step and supporting our work to produce our new television program, "CAUSE & ORIGIN." Each one of you means a great to us.
It is your support that will allow us to take the next steps to launch the show.

Good news happened to arrive last night, as well. I heard from a good friend in Los Angeles, who has agreed to work on composing the music for the show, that he is bringing the info on the show to two very successful television people in L.A. that are good friends. Does that make it a sure thing? Naw...that's not going to happen. If and when it does, it will be with an exchange of ideas, plans and co-development. 

We want to ask one more small favor. When you visit here, please sign up as a "follower" of this blog. And always feel free to leave a comment any time you read a post. You don't have to agree with everything we discuss and we'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas, too!

Again, you have our sincere appreciation. We wish you all a very happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday.

Steve Greene, President

Friday, November 13, 2015

YES!! We're Asking For Your Help --- NOT Your Money!

It's as simple as this: we must be prepared to launch a crowdfunding campaign to raise enough money so that we can produce the pilot episode of our new fire-service drama, "CAUSE & ORIGIN." However, before we can launch that campaign, our advisers highly recommended that we query our friends/followers on social media to see if we have the "muscle" to run a successful campaign.

So here's the deal: You should be able to find all the information you may want about the show, right here on this blog. However, if you feel you need more info about the show, drop us an email at and we'll send out a copy of the synopsis to you to peruse. 

If at that point, you'd like to let us know you might be willing to help us should we have the need for the crowdfunding campaign, please send us an email at and please put the word, "YES" in the subject line. That will give us your message and add you to our list of interested supporters. Don't forget - you can follow us on Twitter at either @DalmatProd or @Cause_Origin and know all about the progress of the show.

Finally, please don't keep it to yourself. If you're a firefighter, EMT/Paramedic, LEO, or any other profession, please share the news with your friends and family. And ask them to send their  email to us, as well. That will keep those numbers of interested parties climbing!

Thank you so much for your friendship, loyalty and support.

Stay Safe & Remember - Every One Goes Home!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

If You Missed the Periscope Broadcast...

"So," you're asking yourself, "What was do important about the Periscope broadcast?"

Funny, you should ask. Here's the quick lowdown:

As you know, we've been working diligently on social media to get the word out about who we are (Dalmatian Productions, Inc - made up of four gentlemen all of whom with experience in emergency services), what we're trying to do (launch a fire service-themed dramatic series for television or streaming service) and most likely, we will need to launch a major crowdfunding campaign (to raise the money necessary to be able to shoot the pilot episode).

Our strongest push has been on Twitter with our two handles, @DalmatProd, which has been on for a couple of years, and more recently added, @Cause_Origin. We created the split so that the new one, for the most part, would be the one for us to use to keep everyone posted about the development and progress of the show. While @DalmatProd is involved in many discussions on the many issues that face the fire-service industry today. And we didn't want to have to give that up. 

Thus today, we asked a simple question: "Will You Help Us Bring "Cause & Origin" to TV?
What we are asking is, "If and when we launch a crowdfunding campaign, would you be willing to participate and make a donation?"

That's it. It's that simple. So, if you would like to let us know that you would be interested, please send us an email to and let us know. Just a quick, painless, email. 

As an example, when the people behind the TV show, "Veronica Mars," wanted to make a feature film to tie up all the loose ends left when the series was axed, they ran a crowdfunding campaign and in just 10 1/2 hours, they raised over 2 million dollars!!!! Not bad, eh?

Again, if you would be interested, if and when, we launch a campaign, please send an email to our link above and say, "Yes!"

Thanks! Stay Safe and remember, Every One Goes Home!


Please note: We will have a very important Periscope broadcast today, Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 2:00PM EST. 

After the Periscope broadcast, we will be sending out a tweet to all our followers on both of our Twitter ID's, @DalmatProd and @Cause_Origin.

Once those have been carried out, we will cover the announcement on the next post here on our blog.

In the meantime, Stay Safe and remember, Every One Goes Home!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Bringing a Balance to Life

Each day, our lives pull us in almost countless directions. Work - Family - Home - Hobbies - Community. This one is urgent!! This one isn't. I have to do this! We have to do that. Did you get this done? Did you get that done? Even if we had the same eight arms as an octopus, we'd still probably need to take the old, proverbial broom stick and shove it where "the sun don't shine," to finish sweeping the floor!

We are finding this out almost each day in trying to produce our show, "Cause & Origin." This has to be researched...that has to be sent out. "You have to call this person before noon,"...and don't forget to email that person. 

Yet, there is one, very time-consuming part of the job for our team that, although it takes a good deal more time than we expected, we really enjoy. And that's chatting with many of you on Twitter. With over 900 followers now between both accounts, there are some great discussions and ideas that we share. Plus, meeting many of you, even if only via Twitter, has been a terrific experience and we have learned a great deal.

Yet, even on Twitter, balance is needed, we found. When we decided to really develop a presence, we figured that the fastest way to "grow" our account would be to follow as many people who shared the concept of the fire-service. It didn't take too long before we had grown our Following list to several hundred and our Followers list to a couple of dozen. Out of balance? Definitely. 

We kept growing that way, off-balance, until we hit out first 2,000 BLOCK!!! That's right, we had a couple of hundred following us, but we had already racked up nearly 2,000 that we were following. When that happened, we learned how to strip down the numbers a bit here and there and try to balance ourselves. We've been doing a decent job of it with only a few bumps along the way.

However, with over 900, we had to make a difficult decision and that was to create a better balance to our account. We made attempts to invite as many of those that we were following to follow us. We met with some success, but not a great deal. As you know, we're now seeking your assistance to help us grow our followers, we had to decide to "trim the fat," so to speak. 

Thus, as we encounter tweets from Twitter folks who have not returned the favor, we have had to unfollow them. And it's a shame that we have to do this. We'd love to be able to keep every single one, but as we wrote in an earlier post, "Communication is a two-way street."

Remember though, we'd be very, very happy to welcome as many more followers as want to join us and help us get this show on the air. We are getting closer to our next level of production work and will keep you all advised of the progress. 

As always, thank you for your interest, loyalty and friendship. Don't forget - We're doing this for you!

Stay Safe & Every One Goes Home!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

New Technology - New Followers - Good News!

Welcome -

Right from the top, we want to welcome all the new Followers on Twitter, who have joined us at both of our ID's, @DalmatProd and @Cause_Origin. The numbers are climbing, but relatively slowly. But that's OK, most accounts that look for "overnight" 10,000 followers are all too often, disappointed. As long as we have steady growth, we will always keep our spirits up. 

Now that does not mean that we no longer need your help. We do! We still ask for your help, simply by telling your followers about us and about our show, "Cause & Origin." Then, ask them to tell their followers and if we keep this growing, we will reach the levels that we will need. And all of that will be thanks to you!

Additionally, we have created an Instagram account and made our first post there under our name, Dalmatian Productions. We'll start posting there on a regular basis very soon. So if you're an Instagram member, give us a look. 

Right now, all our plans are moving ahead. We taking all the steps in a specific order that will take us to our next level. Please remember, we are relatively new to this. Thus, there is a learning curve for all of us. But we are proceeding. 

Please - Continue to support us simply by referring your followers to us! It's an immense help for us!

Remember - Stay Safe!!! And Every One Goes Home!