Friday, November 13, 2015

YES!! We're Asking For Your Help --- NOT Your Money!

It's as simple as this: we must be prepared to launch a crowdfunding campaign to raise enough money so that we can produce the pilot episode of our new fire-service drama, "CAUSE & ORIGIN." However, before we can launch that campaign, our advisers highly recommended that we query our friends/followers on social media to see if we have the "muscle" to run a successful campaign.

So here's the deal: You should be able to find all the information you may want about the show, right here on this blog. However, if you feel you need more info about the show, drop us an email at and we'll send out a copy of the synopsis to you to peruse. 

If at that point, you'd like to let us know you might be willing to help us should we have the need for the crowdfunding campaign, please send us an email at and please put the word, "YES" in the subject line. That will give us your message and add you to our list of interested supporters. Don't forget - you can follow us on Twitter at either @DalmatProd or @Cause_Origin and know all about the progress of the show.

Finally, please don't keep it to yourself. If you're a firefighter, EMT/Paramedic, LEO, or any other profession, please share the news with your friends and family. And ask them to send their  email to us, as well. That will keep those numbers of interested parties climbing!

Thank you so much for your friendship, loyalty and support.

Stay Safe & Remember - Every One Goes Home!

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