Friday, February 27, 2015

The "Journey" Finally Gets Started


It has been a long time coming, with lots of our complaining and whining. However, it appears that there is now the strongest opportunity to bring our new, dramatic, fire-rescue themed show to television.

Yesterday, February 26th was my birthday. That same day, I learned that my wife and I have a new grand-niece, born in Jerusalem Israel of February 26th as well.

Not a bad way to start the day.

Then came the email from our partner Jesse, who lives in L.A. and works in films and television as a consultant. As a matter of fact, if you have ever watch a drama on TV that involved the use of firearms, from .38's to AR-15's, you were very likely to have been watching his work.

He is currently working on the second season of "True Detective." On Wednesday, Jesse emailed me that he had bumped into a producer friend of his on the lot, working on a different show. He asked Jesse what he had for plots and ideas. He told him about our new show and his friend asked if it was possible for him to read the "1-Page" (the name for the synopsis), so Jesse gave it to him. Jesse has known him for a quite a while and this gentleman has a good reputation in the business, as well as an agent and attorney. Hr closed his email with:

"He said he'd read it and if interested he'd discuss with me the options of pitching and how he'd take it to his agent.

Yesterday morning,  Jesse emailed me again. This is what this email said:

"Very interesting...I love it.  I see this as a cable show as well.  Can I read the pilot?  
I'll have a conversation with my agent and see what he thinks.  There are certainly no other shows like it on the air that's for sure!"

This is the farthest in the process we have come in the process of our attempts to bring this drama to TV. As you can imagine, I'm sitting here waiting for an email from Jesse today after his friend reads the script. I want to tell you a little more about the show.

1. The "focus" of the show is on a special unit of almost every fire district and has never been the theme of any other show in the history of television!
2. I chose a specific major city in the Northeast after researching this department's special unit. Though I have never lived there, I have family who has lived there over 30 years (thus many visits there).
3. The Fire Commissioner of the department, as well as the City's office for film and television loved the premise and have agreed to be a part of the show.
4. When Dalmatian Productions, Inc. had just two partners, myself and my best friend for almost 40 years, Richard. Rich and I met when we both joined the combo department in North Carolina in 1977. When we though up the very first show we wanted to do (which was a reality show for back in the 1990's), we took an oath to remain as true and faithful to the fire-rescue service as was possible.
5. Our second promise was to assist fire-rescue charities, most importantly, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.
6. For this new new show, even though it will be a procedural drama, we want to hit upon various fire-rescue themed problems that the industry face today, i.e. juvenile fire starters, arson for profit, health problems, etc.

That's it for right now. Oh yeah, one more promise, if the producer and his attorney agree to pick up the pilot and give us permission, we'll tell you all about it, its name, the city, etc.

For all our Twitter followers, we cannot thank you enough for your support.  So please spread the word.


Steve Greene, Creator & Executive Producer


Friday, February 20, 2015

Here's the Dish...OK, Maybe It's the First Course!

First, our thanks to those of you who follow us on Twitter and then come over here to read the latest installment.

Next, I've decided to provide you with a little more knowledge of what our new project is, without opening ourselves to someone stealing our idea, script, etc.

As I've mentioned in the recent posts, we have been dedicated to bring a television program to the masses that would truly represent the fire-rescue service, without insinuating drug use, infidelity, child beating, spousal abuse, etc. This was all well and good for the first ten or so years that we were concentrating on producing a "reality" show. No matter the angle we used, not a single broadcast or cable/satellite network showed any interest when, at the same time, they were putting on show-after-show that dealt with some form of law enforcement. In just the past few years, they have gone so far as to create programs which show people purposely breaking the law so that LEO's have a reason to hunt or track them down, all for "good TV."

Now, I don't have any problem with our brethren in blue being featured on TV shows. As a matter of fact, after both the bad and sad press they have received over the last year or so, these shows demonstrate the highest professional qualities of 99% of America's finest. My question is, why do all these shows have to come at the expense of just one or two shows about those who dedicate their lives to fire-rescue? Are we not entitled to the same positive exposure that law enforcement receives?

Toward that goal, we have created a new, one-hour drama about a multi-generational firefighter from a large, metropolitan city, who faces severe adversity in both his life and career. Nevertheless, all he is concerned with is his family and his job. There are challenges at every turn, yet he never waivers in his dedication. This show focuses on his ability to remain focused on his goals, until a new door opens for him that leads him to a mystery he had never considered.

That's it in a nutshell. The only other details I can share is that we have already reached a tentative agreement with both the city and its fire department who have agreed to participate in the show.

We ask you to please remember that none of the four partners in Dalmatian Productions is a big Hollywood mogul, producer, etc. Three of us have been snot-nosed, belly-crawling, nozzle jockeys. Our fourth partner has been involved in public safety.

Though this show, if it comes about, will be a fictional drama, we are dedicated to have it represent the department, its municipality and fire-rescue as a whole, in as positive a light as possible.

We help you will support our cause. We are not looking for money! We are looking for your interest. How can you help? Leave a comment here or let us know on Twitter @DalmatProd.